Heart touching act of love by a father: #BestBaldDad

Published by Metro India News Online on June 22, 2016 17:35:35 PM

We all have experienced and told about the power of mother’s love and protection for her children and often fathers are said to be aloof in such matters. Well, Josh Marshall has totally proved this statement about fathers to be wrong. He has proved to be the best bald dad!

Josh Marshall’s son Gabriel was suffering from anaplastic astrocytomarare, which is a type of rare baleful brain tumor. While undergoing the diagnosis and treatment, Gabriel (who is 8) had to go through a brain surgery which removed most of the tumor yet left him with a deep scar on the right side of his head. Gabriel lost his confidence and often described feeling as a monster due to the always evidence of his scar. So Marshall decided to get a tattoo that matched up to his sons scar.

“Seeing him describe himself as a monster broke my heart and I told him if people wanted to stare, they could stare at both of us” Expressed the loving father

Marshall’s act of love was appreciated by many across the internet from all over the globe. A small and simple father’s day contest in Kansas earned him applaud from everywhere; it is conducted as a competition among the likeminded dads who shave their heads for their children who undergo different cancer treatments.

"It was just a friendly competition between fellow cancer dads and people showing support for their loved ones who have fought cancer. I never intended it to be this big" commented Marshall

It is because of people like Marshall that makes us realize how important and efficient a parent’s love is to a child.